323 Quotes About Tables

  • Author Bob Seger
  • Quote

    I like people to just bring it to the table and feel the moment. And that's why I've never done a session where I don't sing live.

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  • Author Bruno Schulz
  • Quote

    Under the imaginary table that separates me from my readers, don’t we secretly clasp each other’s hands?

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  • Author Carl Sandburg
  • Quote

    If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell

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  • Author Carlos Santana
  • Quote

    Angels cry because they want to experience what you and I feel: the moment. They live in eternity. They dont know what it is like to read a newspaper and get ink on your fingers. They dont know what it is like to take your shoes off and wiggle your toes under the dinner table.

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  • Author Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  • Quote

    Aren't we at the point where the closer we get to chaos, the more concern that there should be about coming to the table and compromising with Democrats? This is not leadership. This is almost like dictatorship.

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  • Author Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • Quote

    I had been invited to speak after the lunch. But I did not go to the table until the feast ended, as I never like to eat or talk before speaking.

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  • Author George P. Shultz
  • Quote

    Negotiations are a euphemism for capitulation if the shadow of power is not cast across the bargaining table.

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