1,160 Quotes About Talent
"If you are an entrepreneur, or a manager in a bank and are afraid to come forward as a musician, just go and google every celebrity in history, from Nikola Tesla to Rabindranath Tagore and many more, they lived their life with 100 different titles such as innovators, writers, philosophers and more, because they never judged themselves"
"Do it because you like to do it, not because someone wants to see you doing it"
"The glory that is given to God by the works of his creation is what we call an “external glory.” It is something outside of God. It doesn’t actually add anything to God. It is very much like an artist who has a great talent for painting and a mind full of beautiful images. If the artist puts some of those images on canvas for people to look at and admire, it still hasn’t added anything to the artist himself. It hasn’t made him any better or more wonderful than he was before (p. 5)."
"Pseudo-artists think that being an artist means opposing whatever seems to be an establishment. That is not creative at all. True creativity is the ability to gain perspective wherever you may have missed it before."
"The most mesmerizing of artists is always like one who was merely drawing in the sand and people came to watch."
"Great ideas emerges from useless fragments of thoughts."
"today some of the smartest and most productive talent chooses to give up the rigid strictures of full-time employment in favor of the freedom a project or a gig-based lifestyle affords them"
"The spirit of an artist's gifts can wake our own."
"No matter how great your talent, talent has to work with knowledge to do anything well."