1,160 Quotes About Talent


"...Come on let’s see the degree.” Katherine unrolled her scroll displaying a long declaration in Latin affixed with a red seal proclaiming her a Master of Art. “Imagine working for years to obtain a piece of paper we can hardly read ” Katherine joked. “And to officially declare you have talent ” Suzy returned."


"Okay, so anagrams. That’s one. Got any other charming talents?” she asked, and now he felt confident.Finally, Colin turned to her, gathering in his gut the slim measure of courage available to him, and said, “Well, I’m a fair kisser."


"The real writer is one who really writes. Talent is an invention like phlogiston after the fact of fire. Work is its own cure. You have to like it better than being loved."


"At forty two years, Sona Kilroy stood tall and strapping, a powerful figure. Rising to the rank of Admiral in the Corsair fleet was no easy feat. It took intelligence, talent, determination, resilience, creative thinking, brute force, and sheer cunning to achieve – and perhaps also a large slice of luck."


"...talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything."


"Your talent is any capability which creates economic value for an organization’s customer or shareholder."


"Self-discipline is about disciplined thoughts."


"I tell you this true story just to prove that I can. That my frailty has not yet reached a point at which I can no longer tell a true story."


"We have one great assignment: to fully accomplish what we have been divinely charged by God to the very limit of our sincere strength with due fear courage, in wit and in truth, and within the scope of our Assigner: Jehovah!"
