47 Quotes About Tao-te-ching
"It had not rained, here on these north-facing slopes. Snow-fields stretched down from the pass into the valleys of moraine. We stowed the wheels, uncapped the sledge-runners, put on our skis, and took off—down, north, onward, into that silent vastness of fire and ice that said in enormous letters of black and white DEATH, DEATH, written right across a continent. The sledge pulled like a feather, and we laughed with joy."
"There is nothing to be foundthat is not Tao. Yet Tao itself is never lost or found.."
"The Tao Te Ching? A wonderful book to read and indeed to learn from. Yet the Tao itself is infinitely prior to and beyond all words from any book or language including these."
"How can one know the eternal origin?By letting go of ideasand allowing it to reveal itself"
"Earth is a divine organismit cannot be successfully manipulatedWho attempts manipulation will encounter defeat"
"For the sageHeaven and Earth joinin bestowing the greatest gifts"