177 Quotes About Tao


"Memory: Recognizing the value of an alert mind and an alert memory, I will encourage mine to become alert by taking care to impress it clearly with all thoughts I wish to recall and by associating those thoughts with related subjects which I may call to mind frequently."


"When things are good, it is because we remember a time when they were not. When there was pain. But now the pain is gone, so things are ‘good’. When we hurt, it is because we recall a time when we did not. When there was no pain. But now we suffer, so things are ‘bad’. The tiger sipped from the cup, peering at the boy over the rim. Stars swirled in its eyes. “Good. Bad. The cup holds both."


"Zen is the period of time during which a person has true clarity of vision."


"To bear and not to own; to act and not lay claim; to do the work and let it go: for just letting it go is what makes it stay."


"The power-hungry wanter their followers to believe that heaven was a place to which some people - and only people - went after death, a place that could be reached by those who had the approval of their organizations. So not even the perfected spirits were able to restore the wholeness of truth, because of interference by the human ego."


"Practice non-action.Work without doing.Magnify the small;increase the few.Reward bitterness with care."


"Stillness and tranquility set things in order in the universe."


"If you show yourself, you will not be seen. If you affirm yourself, you will not shine."


"Reality has no inside, outside, or middle part."
