177 Quotes About Tao


"Tao exists prior to and beyond any religion; including Taoism..."


"What is Tao?Here we see the vast limitation of concept and language. for however anyone might describe the Tao; be they wise man, scholar or fool, the Tao itself is always just beyond description or concept. Yet the infinite Tao itself just here, within and all around"


"The Tao Te Ching? A wonderful book to read and indeed to learn from. Yet the Tao itself is infinitely prior to and beyond all words from any book or language including these."


"A duck may quack; or a goose might honk; but which is more accurately expressing Tao?"


"He who defines himself can't know who he really is.He who has power over others can't empower himself."


"En otras palabras, la gente trata de forzar los acontecimientos, sin comprender que resulta imposible hacerlo: no hay manera de desviarse del fluir de la naturaleza."


"The Way is deep and broad and in all directions? Infinity."


"The great Tao is universal like a flood… All creatures depend on it, and it denies nothing to anyone. It does its work, but it makes no claims for itself. It clothes and feeds all, but it does not lord it over them."


"With those who are sincerethe sage is sincereWith those who are insincerethe sage is also sincerebecause the way of Tao is sincerity"
