177 Quotes About Tao
"The three jewels of Tao: compassion, moderation, and humility. Balthasar said compassion leads to courage, moderation leads to generosity, and humility leads to leadership."
"WU WEIflow of Life governed by Tao flow of changespontaneous natural effortless acting through non-actionconnecting with Earth and Moon and Sunthroughbeingnot inert or lazy or passive but swimming swiftly within the current merging Life with Taoquiet and watchfulnot-interferingreceptive alert directly connectedacting without action trusting detached without desirespontaneous natural effortless Living"
"Tidak berlomba sesungguhnya merupakan cara berlomba tingkat tertinggi dalam ajaran Tao."
"Drinking tea is as sacred as doing yoga. Sleeping silently, relaxed, is as sacred as prayer. Looking at a tree, talking to a friend, walking early in the morning, working in the factory or in the office, is as holy as anything else. This is the understanding that is needed for Tao to happen."
"To think, or not to think...This is the true question."
"If you have one wish, wish for everything to be exactly as it is. Then wait patiently for your wish to come true."