46 Quotes About Teachers-and-learners


"The Woodcraft Folk is a youth organisation, a bit like Brownies or Scouts but it mixes boys and girls together and has an arty, bohemian vibe. [...] We call the adults in charge ‘leaders’ and address them by their Christian names – this is the first time I'm allowed to call an adult by their first name. At Woodcraft children are treated like people, not half-formed irrelevant creatures, we are consulted on every decision that's made."


"A teacher is only as effective as his ability to understand where his student is."


"It's like she's pulling Post-it notes out of her hair and lecturing from them, one of my peers once complained about the teaching style of my beloved teacher Mary Ann Caws. ...Ditto Eileen Myles, who tells a great story about a student at UC San Diego once complaining that her lecturing style was like 'throwing a pizza at us.' My feeling is, you should be so lucky to get a pizza in the face from Eileen Myles, or a Post-it note plucked from the nest of Mary Ann Caws's hair."


"Teachers are mind engineers! Teachers are life directors! Don’t ever undermine a teacher!"


"teachers who make lessons interesting get the attention of students"


"No institution can become the cradle of leadership, until its teachers break their manacles of rugged dogmas."


"A student whose life is filled with woes least had and understood the hands of a good teacher that shape lives in a distinctive way"


"For the first time in his life, a teacher was pointing out things that Ender had not already seen for himself. For the first time, Ender had found a living mind he could admire."


"A teacher of one subject was once a student learning many subjects"
