339 Quotes About Teenager
- Author Heather McVea
Bailey took an exasperated breath and sat up in the seat. “You can’t reason with a teenage girl.”Elise’s eyebrow shot up. “Bailey, you’re a teenage girl.”“Exactly.
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- Author Daniel Rušar
Ozvaly se fotbalové chorály, vzbudil Kemyho a běžel. Ale ne na svůj kurt, ale na ten, který připravili týmáci. Ale ne k nim, ale od sebe, protože běžet od sebe je ten nejrychlejší způsob běhu.
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- Author Daniel Rušar
Utěšovačka. chilloutová série, která mu jde. Nevadí. Prý nevadí. Skinovi by to taky nevadilo, kdyby ta pracka patřila někomu jinému.
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- Author Daniel Rušar
Nejsou malé a velké sny, jsou sny.
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- Author Valenciya Lyons
She glanced down at the pregnancy test. Her worst fear has become her new reality.
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- Author Valenciya Lyons
She may have been only sixteen years old, but there was a new life growing inside of her. She fought back tears that she could feel forming in her eyes. She hated to admit it but she was scared since she wasn’t even old enough to take care of a baby. She wasn’t even old enough to take care of herself. She was just a kid who still lived at home with her mother, and this kid was not ready to become a mother.
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- Author Ellen DeGeneres
Being a teenager and figuring out who you are is hard enough without someone attacking you
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- Author Jane Alison
When you're sixteen or seventeen meaning can be anywhere. A drop of rain running down the window is a symbol, a song comes on the radio just when you longed for it, you have the same initials as the boy for whom you're sick, secret messages await you in poems. It's like living in a net of logic, of systems of words and significance.
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- Author John David Anderson
When you're a teenager,everybody is waiting for you to be something or somebody else-your friends,your parents,your teachers.Sometimes you lose track.
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