360 Quotes About Teens
- Author Julie Buxbaum
You’re saying that on Friday night I have an equal chance of getting vomited on as I do of getting kissed?”“Welcome to high school.” What to say next
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- Author Shaun David Hutchinson
And I stood there and took it because I was an object. We were all objects to Marcus McCoy.
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- Author Shaun David Hutchinson
We aren't just defined by who we are, but by who are friends are. It's funny that we put so much importance on something that wont mean shit once we graduate.
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- Author aimee l. salter
He’s drowning, suffocating under the weight of my darkness and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
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- Author Azelene Williams
Life is full of challenges. In the end it's getting up that pulls us through the dark day's. So that we can admire the sunset
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- Author Benjamin Alire Sáenz
I wanted to buy a T-shirt that read: I AM UNKNOWABLE.
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- Author Helen Oyeyemi
She was only fifteen. At that age embarassment is something you can actually die of.
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- Author Shaun David Hutchinson
She's the gristle stuck between Time's teeth, and I love her for it.
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