123 Quotes About The-mortal-instruments
- Author Cassandra Clare
We will stand bravely with you! Malcolm announced. Catarina looked darkly at him, and he quailed. Well, we will stand bravely near you. Or at least within earshot. Maia gave him a hard look. So no guarantees, basically? Malcolm shrugged. Warlocks are independent. And hard to get hold of. Like cats, but with fewer tails. Well, there are some tails. I don't have one myself -
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- Author Cassandra Clare
I won’t be just your friend. I love you, Maia. I’m in love with you. I always have been. I always will be. Just being your friend would kill me” - Jordan
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- Author Cassandra Clare
Alec looked impressed. "I didn't know all that."Jace hopped on the windowsill and swung his legs. "Not all of us sleep through history lessons.""I do not--""Oh yes you do, and drool on the desk besides.""Shut up said Magnus, but he said it quite mildly.
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- Author Hodge
A war against evil, a war that can never be won, but must always be fought.
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- Author Cassandra Clare
And her brother John set her on her horse.'Now you are high and I am low,Give me a kiss before ye go.’She leaned down to give him a kiss,He gave her a deep wound and did not miss.And with a knife as sharp as a dart,Her brother stabbed her to the heart.
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- Author Cassandra Clare
Just kissing? How quicky you dismiss our love. -Jace
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- Author Cassandra Clare
Come poteva desiderare dell'altro, quando aveva Jace?Ma forse, le venne da pensare, avere qualcuno non era mai davvero possibile. Forse, per quanto si possa amare una persona, lei può sempre scivolarti via dalle dita come acqua, senza che tu possa farci niente. Ora capiva perché la gente parlava i cuori ‘infranti’: si sentiva come se il suo fosse di vetro rotto, con le schegge come coltelli che le trafiggevano il petto ogni volta che respirava.
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- Author Cassandra Clare
Jordan followed, buttoning his jeans and muttering about how there was nothing strange about having a pattern of dancing penguins on your underwear.
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- Author Cassandra Clare
Clary?” Jace tilted his head to the side, studying her face. “You do—you still love me, don’t you?” “I love Jace Lightwood,” she said. “I don’t know who you are.
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