50 Quotes About The-secret
"It's never too late to change anything or everything; there is no point that is too low to come back from. There is no opportunity that is lost. And the great news is that it's not the world you need change. Just change the way you think, change the way you feel, and the world as you know it will change before your eyes."
"It's not the circumstances of your life that are preventing you from being happy; it's the excuses you're making not to be happy! Like attracts like, happiness attracts happiness, so just drop the excuses - drop every one of them - and be happy now!"
"... happiness is the shortcut to anything you want in your life. Just feel and be happy now! Focus on radiating out into the Universe those feelings of joy and happiness. When you do that, you will attract back to you all things that bring you joy and happiness, which will include everything you want. When you radiate those feelings of happiness, they are sent back to you as the happy circumstances of your life."
"What if all I ever wanted out of everything I have been chasing was not the thing itself but to be happy, to feel good?Heidi C."
"To get everything you want is an inside job! The outside world is the world of effects; it's just the result of thoughts. Think and bask in happy thoughts. Radiate the feelings of happiness and joy, and transmit that into the Universe with all of your might, and you will experience true heaven on earth."
"If you believe that you are not omnipresent, omniscient, and ultimately omnipotent, then you are deluded."
"I am exactly who I am choosing to be. Should I change my choice, the universe will always be there to assist me."
"Your frequency is what you frequently see. Pay attention to synchronicity as there are valuable lessons to be learned in the repetition of your reality."
"Always let your heart shine bright, because this inner light will guide you home, even in the darkest night."