89 Quotes About The-soul
- Author Billy Graham
Our souls have a disease. It causes all the troubles and difficulties in the world. It causes all the troubles, confusions, and disillusionments in your own life. The name of the disease is . . . sin.
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- Author Rabindranath Tagore
My soul is alight with your infinitude of stars. Your world has broken upon me like a flood. The flowers of your garden blossom in my body. The joy of life that is everywhere burns like an incense in my heart. And the breath of all things plays on my life as on a pipe of reeds.
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- Author Kouta Hirano
Resignation is what kills people. Once they've rejected resignation, humans gain the privilege of making humanity their footpath.
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- Author A.D. Aliwat
In Buddhism, we don’t believe in the soul. Only karma, deeds. The soul is more of a Western thing. The individual.
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- Author Susan Cartwright
ShanTu said that we must set the soul free from the body and its lusts. Having thus got rid of the foolishness of the flesh, we shall be pure. While an admirable goal, the sisterhood has not found this practical. For whatever purpose, body and soul are joined. Denying one's bodily lusts is about as effective as prohibition, which is to say not effective at all.
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- Author Serena Jade
The Soul is ineffable, therefore true Soul Mates are Indescribably Connected."-Author Serena Jade
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- Author James Van Praagh
The soul is spirit incarnate. Don't think of yourself as a body that has a soul, bit rather as spirit that needs a body."-James Van Praggh
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- Author Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
The reason of the human spirit seeking to return to that upper world is that its origin is from thence, and that it is of angelic nature.
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- Author Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
We do not have a soul. Rather we are soul. Our soul is our innermost identity and synonymous with the most intimate level of "I" that we know to be the core of our personhood. Both God (Brahman) and soul (Atman) are of the nature of pure sentient consciousness. Thus, being spiritual, they both transcend matter itself, as well as all the limitations necessarily associated with matter.
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