67 Quotes About They


"I'm delighted to tell you that Jesus Christ offers complete and total forgiveness to anyone who will repent and believe on His name. ...There are no sins that He cannot cleanse, and He's promised that they will be gone forever."


"The deadline is set and they think I am their pet."


"My eyes were closed, they're open now"


"You won't transfer, right Keiichi?"-Rena Ryuugu"


"Deeply convinced of the reality of the divine will, he (Lincoln) had no patience at all with any who were perfectly sure they knew the details of the divine will."


"I was a victim of violence... No reason for vileonce just few sucirity guards came... we were 3... they were 2... and look they fucking kicked and punched us very very very hard.Disapproval of the whole thing means by itself dead."


"I hoped and prayed that they would someday forgive me for leaving them. I hoped and prayed that I would someday forgive myself for leaving them."


"Who are "THEY", you are one of "They" and they are the people/humans."
