163 Quotes About Thriller-novels
- Author John M Vermillion
2100 Hours: The lights went out inside the compound. People throughout the auditorium began to shriek. It was chaos. Then they experienced what felt like a sonic boom. Pack’s vehicle had blown apart, metal fragments hurled a quarter mile away. The CEV had knocked the main gate over as if it were a fist going through papier-mache. Once the explosion had run its course, the car was in flames, which caught some of the crew still wearing the night vision devices off guard.
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- Author Elena Wilkes
You're not afraid of heights, you're afraid of not being in control.
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- Author Charlie Donlea
What was it about being so close to danger that filled us with adrenaline?
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- Author C.G. Twiles
Money easily tore people apart. Shared outrage? The bond would be as strong as steel.
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- Author C.G. Twiles
I feel like the minute I stopped lying, everyone else started." —Cintra
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- Author ميرنا المهدي
اخترتُ التخصص بكتابة أدب الجريمة لأن رواياته تحقق للمرء ما لا تحققه له الحياة اليومية .. العدالة!
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- Author ميرنا المهدي
كنتُ أتمنى أن أصبح رسامة، ولكني فشلتُ في تعلم الرسم فقررتُ أن أرسم لوحاتي بالكلمات.
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- Author John Casey
It’s better to beat a dead horse than to worry about whether or not it might recover.
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- Author Jeremy Costello
An epic debut psychological thriller where Se7en meets Lost!
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