693 Quotes About Time-management


"Time is a simple measure of our real priorities.Those who can’t manage the order of priorities can’t manage time. Leadership is about managing priorities."


"Seek counsel; though we are all skilled and experienced in many ways, no one can experience all that life has to offer in the limited time we are given in this world."


"Respect is time management. The world doesnt revolve around you, it revolves around time."


"In this life we may face dangerous/difficult situations in which we will be on our own… The best thing that can happen is to realize that nobody but only ourselves will get us out of there… Thus, we take immediate action… The worst thing is not to realizing it, until is too late…"


"In this life we may face dangerous/difficult situations, in which we will be on our own… The best thing that can happen, is to realize that nobody, but only ourselves will get us out of there… Thus, we take immediate action… The worst thing is not realizing it; until is too late…"


"Historically, time management was built to work people harder in corporations to get more output per hour, minute, second ... not always a human flourishing tool (fact) ... those principles don’t always transfer to time freedom and flexibility and abundance for entrepreneurs."


"time is one of the free resources, the choice is yours, you either waste it or use it effectively"


"Be deliberate in your choices. We are created to do what we are called to do and what we are born to experience, not what we believe other people expect us to do. Your time is precious."


"We need to move beyond time management to life leadership"
