65 Quotes About Tone
- Author Christine E. Szymanski
Starting your thoughts with Cant's, Wont's, and Dont's, you have already initiated a negative tone for your day. Instead, how about starting with Can's, Will's, and Do's and see how the world can open up to you.
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- Author Christine E. Szymanski
Starting your thoughts with Cant's, Wont's, and Don'ts, you have already initiated a negative tone for your day. Instead, how about waking up with Can's, Will's, and Do's and see how the world can open up to you.
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- Author Ron Suskind
What can we do?" It's not dismissive or resigned. He really wants to know.
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- Author Peter Høeg
There is a pleasant firmness of tone when one is in harmony with oneself. Even when it's a weak ethic one is resonating with.
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- Author Julia Quinn
I don't like your tone," was Violet's standard answer when one of her children was winning an argument.
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- Author Sonali Dev
His voice was the sound of gravel crunching underfoot when you went in search of gravestones.
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- Author Jonathan Price
Tone is the hardest part of saying no.
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- Author Lorrie Moore
That's not the one you were thinking of?" "No." There was accusation in her voice. "Mine was different,
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- Author Wioletta Greg
We walked in silence towards Swinica, beyond which the road, worn by long-distance lorries, twisted and turned; we walked slowly, like one walks after midnight Mass, like my father coming home on Sunday from a fishing trip or from a little game of poker, like the curate after administering extreme unction, like my grandmother returning from the fields dragging a pram, in which instead of her first-born, prematurely dead daughter, there lay a bunch of ripe poppy heads covered with a kerchief.
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