62 Quotes About Training-management-system
"A company can’t buy true emotional commitment from managers no matter how much it’s willing to spend; this is something too valuable to have a price tag. And yet a company can’t afford not to have it."
"Leadership creates performance in people because it impacts willingness; it’s a matter of modeling, inspiring, and reinforcing."
"Leaders are people who know exactly who they are. They know exactly where they want to go. They’re hell-bent on getting there."
"Any expert will tell you that if you want emotionally committed relationships then people must be allowed to be true to who they are."
"Companies should be the best possible place to practice fulfillment, to live out values and to realize deep connectivity and purpose."
"When you’re not on your own agenda, you’re prey to the agenda of others."
"When you don’t know what true for you, everyone else has unusual influence."
"Why live my personal values at work? This is an excellent question to ask. If your attorneys are planning an insanity defense."
"This is your one and only precious life. Somebody’s going to decide how it’s going to be lived and that person had better be you."