25 Quotes About Transformational


"Although it might state otherwise, I don’t think that the world finds anything compelling that’s always shifting to adjust to wherever the world’s going. I think that what the world finds compelling is something so indisputably enthralling that the world is always shifting to adjust to it. And the only thing that I know that has both the power and the character to be that enthralling is God."


"I own my past, it hasn't been grande' But it's had some pretty great moments. I own my movements of now, it isn't what I've dreamt, but I'm closer than I was before.I own my future, it is going to test me, But I trust I have the strength to pull through. Life isn't what happens to us, but what we choose to become."


"Manipulative Leaders Create Distrust and selfishnessTransactional Leaders Create Mediocrity and complacencyMotivational Leaders Create Positivity and ActionInfluential Leaders Create Growth and Empowerment Servant-Leaders Create Authenticity and Explosive GrowthTransformational Leaders Create Change and Leave Legacies"


"When education is free and available instantaneously, innovation comes from valuable transformational relationships, not transactions."


"An exceptional future can only be built on the transformation of the mess I’ve made, not the elimination of it."


"Do you grow straight up like a redwood to the sunin choosing your heart and not list like a weed in the wind to the fads of the day?"


"There is something magical and transformational about saying “yes” to God. When you take His hand, step out of that boat (your ordinary, comfortable life), and be brave. Instead of spending your lifetime living in fear and playing it safe, you boldly walk in obedience. God makes you brave."


"A good way to ascertain what matters to you is to imagine the following: You wake up in the morning to the realisation that you have but a day to live. How would you want to spend that day? Who would you want to spend that time with?"
