79 Quotes About Tristan
- Author Chelsea Fine
Scarlet was in pain all night because she wouldn’t let me sleep with her.
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- Author R.K. Lilley
Well, boo, how does bacon sound?”“Bacon sounds great, but you can’t call me boo.”“Why not?”“Because you’re not a rapper, and I’m not your shorty.
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- Author R.K. Lilley
I thought that I’d found my new favorite hobby—watching Tristan cook anything at all.“Bev has this really great frilly pink apron,” I told him. “What would I have to do to get you to wearit while you cook for me?”“You don’t even want to know, boo,” he said.That effectively shut me up again.
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- Author Angela Knight
Hey, I can cook.""How do you know? You haven't eaten anything since before the Norman Conquest.""I've never had any complaints.""Given the infants you date, I'm not surprised. You could serve them sawdust and they'd eat it with a smile, dazzled by the swing of your broadsword.""What do you know about the swing of my broadsword?""More than I care to. Women talk."Which shut him up, as he started wondering who'd said what.
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- Author Anna Campbell
We have to convince Monks and Filey we're lovers. I mean only to sleep here. You have my word you're safe from my advances."Surprisingly, that full mouth quirked into a wry smile. "So we lie like Tristan and Yseult with a sword between us?"Hard as it was, hard as he was, he couldn't help smiling at the absurd image. "I find myself currently embarrassed of a sword."He didn't say that, in the legend, the sword had proven no barrier to passion. He was in enough trouble.
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- Author C.M. Stunich
So when I decided that I was in love with you, and that you were mine, I chiseled that decision on my heart in stone.” He steps forward and puts his fingers under my chin, lifting my face up to meet his. “You’re mine, Marnye, and I’m not letting go. Not even if I have to share your heart. The way you love, it’s infinite. That’s more than enough for me.
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- Author A&E Kirk
Her dad’s coming,” she said, voice shrill.“What?” we all said in unison.Tristan, Ayden and the fairy looked at me and said, “What?”“What?” I repeated, panicked and irritated at my lack of control in responding to a fairy I wasn’tsupposed to see or hear.“What?” came their reply.“What?” I continued the theme of repetition because I lacked any form of explanation.Ayden held up a hand for silence. “Why are you ‘whatting’?”“What?”The hand again. “Okay, stop that,” Ayden said.
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- Author Danielle L. Jensen
You looked ridiculous walking around the city carrying an empty wineglass. I don't care to be associated with a drunk. Particularly one who damages glassware.
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- Author Brittainy C. Cherry
I felt her exhale against my lips. With each exhale, I took in her breath, I drank her into me, realizing that she was mine. Forever and always, no matter what the future may hold. Each day, I longed for her. Each day, I loved her more. As my eyes faded and her hands lay against my chest, I knew life was never truly broken; it was simply bruised some days, and bruises healed with time. Time was able to make me whole again.
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