150 Quotes About Try-again
"Your thoughts don't make you who you are, your actions do. Be better than your thoughts."
"We can not paint that in a more positive way if it is already negative, we have to take it that way and think of other means for reaching there."
"You will never know how much you can accomplish until you try. Never stop trying. Your miracle will come in undefined moments."
"Try, try, and try again. Never stop trying."
"Everything happens for a reason and sometimes that reason is you're not prepared for life today so just take a nap and try again."
"Lets try to put last year's problems behind us and make what's bright now, for last year is not now."
"Repetition, repetition, repetion; equals Results."
"If at first you don't succeed, you are running about average."
"You don't get drown by falling into a river. You get drown by remaining there. Falling accidentally and rising immediately was what distinguished Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln from the rest."