52 Quotes About Ufo


"To think that there is no life outside of the world is actually an extremely sick thought, a disease! So what is this disease? Ego! Our existence is very special, our existence is a miracle and there cannot be such a miracle elsewhere! This is an ego, a huge ego!"


"There is always a possibility that a higher civilization in the universe could visit the Earth and destroy our civilization, or on the contrary, help us make a big leap in our evolutionary development!"


"I know for a fact the first UFOs reported in modern times, just before the crash at Roswell, were boomerang shaped and were reported as 'flying saucers' to describe the motion of their flight, like a saucer skipping over water. Yet immediately after, people saw and photographed saucer-shaped objects. Boomerang-shaped objects were rarely seen. Now people mostly report seeing large triangles instead of discs or boomerangs, because that is what they are told to expect to see."


"The trail of lime trees outside our building is still a public loo. …where else are they supposed to go to the toilet in a city where public toilets are about as common as UFO sightings?” (pp.281-82)"


"That these people are wandering around, looking for aliens to justify the emptiness inside them and let them feel special without effort, creeps me out."


"I don't think I'm being harassed by little green stalkers. I don't know what's really going on, but I'd rather try to eliminate all rational excuses before blaming intergalactic monkeys from the fourth dimension who are somehow interested in this really boring town."


"They were once fairies and elves. Now they are creatures from beyond the stars because you no longer believe in anything but humans."


"When you follow the path of the unknown, you never know what you may find.tv show- UFOs Really?"


"There is no generally accepted procedure in identifying UFO."
