74 Quotes About Uniqueness-of-individual
"The Snowflake CharmBe As Unique As A Snowflake: Embrace All Your Dimensions"
"In a changing universe, only a changing species can hope to be immortal and then only if its eggs are nurtured in widely scattered environments. This predicts a wealth of unique individuals. — Insights (a glimpse of early Human philosophy), BuSab Text"
"There was... something deeper than ambition in him: a desire to invent his own life and not simply take the one that was being sold to him."
"Never rush to be the first. Slow down and be your best. Life is not a race. It's a playground to radiate your uniqueness."
"Υποσχέθηκε στον εαυτό του πως απ' εδώ και μπρος θα γινόταν σαν όλους τους άλλους. Έτσι θα ήταν όλοι ευχαριστημένοι."
"She was of another world; different. But by then, secretly, so was I."
"Who would you be if you had somehow avoided every tenacious impediment in the invisible bacterial obstacle course of your daily life? Or what if, through some miracle of science...there was a way to cleanse the detritus that has cumulatively contaminated your genes since before you were even born? Who would you be today? Would you be the same person; the same unique individual? Or would you be something more?"
"He knew most men only heard what they wanted to hear, and he had no desire to be like most men."