74 Quotes About Uniqueness-of-individual
"Everybody is unique that is why we are all the same."
"The unity in diversity lies only in your heart."
"Your path is unique.You are unique.Find ways of doing things in your own way."
"We must be our own authentically unique truth, and question who we are, what created us, and what processes within us are alien and externally created."
"Sagittarians are aliens disguised as humans!” "
"Don't follow the crowd. Follow your ultra uniqueness."
"people are intimidated by people they cannot imitate."
"I am the rainbow. Don't you see how my tail is a collection of all the colors from the sea, land, and sky?"
"There never as been, nor will there ever be, another like you. Your singular perspective may patch some small hole in the vast tattered fabric of humanity. Uniqueness alone, however, does not make you valuable. If you don't do, if you don't dare, then you rob the world -- and yourself--of the chance to contribute something meaningful."