37 Quotes About Unpredictability


"Walking a small child was like herding water, Michael used to think when his own children were small. Heaven only knew what they'd take into their heads to do next - dart in front of a speeding car or throw a tantrum in mid-traffic or stop to pick a soaked cigar butt out of the gutter."


"Life is like the oil within a lamp. It can be measured, but the pace at which it burns depends on how the dial is turned day by day, how bright and fierce the flame. And there is no predicting whether the lamp might be knocked to the ground and shatter, when it could have blazed on a great while longer. Such is the unpredictability of life."


"Love is as irrational as hate and just as unpredictable."


"In fiction: we find the predictable boring. In real life: we find the unpredictable terrifying."


"…this life doesn't simply come with its share of unpredictability; surprise it its most conspicuous feature."


"Normality; show me normality, señor caballero, and I will show you an exception to the abnormal order of the universe; show me a normal event and I shall call it miraculous because it is normal."


"... in that moment I know this is what I must do with my life; do away with the predictable, the mundane, and hurl myself into the unknown."


"Let’s watch out for the unpredictability and the wildcat jumps of contrarian people, whose sole interests are soaring targets at high-speed, at all costs and without any consideration. Perceptive understanding may help us discover the hidden actualities behind the ‘appearances’. .("Mama. Meine Bäume wachsen bis in den Himmel")"
