204 Quotes About Utopia

  • Author Neil Shusterman
  • Quote

    My greatest wish for humanity is not for peace or comfort or joy. It is that we all still die a little inside every time we witness the death of another. For only the pain of empathy will keep us human.” - Scythe

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  • Author David Mitchell
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    (...)si nos convencemos de que la humanidad puede trascender colmillos y garras, si nos convencemos de que las diversas razas y credos pueden compartir pacíficamente la tierra, (...)si nos convencemos de que los gobernantes deben ser justos, de que la violencia debe dominarse, de que el poder ha de ser responsable y las riquezas de la tierra y los océanos deben repartirse equitativamente entre todos, este mundo se hará realidad. No me engaño. Ya sé que es el más difícil de los mundos posibles.

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  • Author Pervez Hoodbhoy
  • Quote

    Reform is not instantaneous, but proceeds by degrees. In contrast, the dogmatist dreams of reforming all of society in one holistic sweep and believes that he has in his possession a unique, unalterable blueprint. This quest for a utopia leads to authoritarianism, intolerance and violence because, once the end goal has been defined, no one is allowed to criticize or change it.

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