60 Quotes About Van-gogh
- Author Dayna Rubin
This is the second Old Master I have encountered that has the signatures of another artist forged over it. A painting that has been created by another artist entirely. It's like they played mix and match.
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- Author Dubravka Ugrešić
Zaista, zašto smo tako uvjereni da je Van Gogh opstao zahvaljujući svojoj genijalnosti, a pritom podcjenjujemo detalj, odsječeno uho? Po čemu vi pamtite živuće moderne umjetnike? Ima li ijednoga ili ijedne među njima koji nečime nisu skandalizirali javnost? Gdje je taj samozatajni skromni umjetnik, pokažite mi ga! Svi su umjetnici mitotvorci, samo jednima uspijeva da postanu slavni, a drugima ne.
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- Author Vincent Van Gogh
We are surrounded by poetry on all sides...
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- Author J. Matthew Nespoli
My soul is like my worn-out Van Gogh t-shirt; threadbare and full of holes
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- Author Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith
I am a traveler," he wrote, "going somewhere and to some destination...only the somewhere and the destination do not exist
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- Author Steven Naifeh
Periodically throughout his life, he would seek comfort in his troubles by lurching into the wilderness, only to find more loneliness there and end up returning to the world in search of the human companionship that always eluded him, even in childhood, even in his own family
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