70 Quotes About Vedicphilosophy
"Wow! How can this simple act - he goes and plucks one Bilva leaf from a tree, Bilva tree and offers it on a statue, how can such a simple act liberate him? Why is he so blissful? Why is he in ecstasy? If you approach the happening with tremendous love, you will grasp the Truth. You will grasp the Truth. You will understand something more than the action is happening.~KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam"
"Approaching the world, approaching God, approaching Guru, approaching yourself with tremendous love, patience and the context of grasping the Truth is Seeking. Approaching everything with tremendous love and patience from the context of knowing the Truth, wanting to know the Truth is grasping, seeking.~KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam"
"The food you eat, the way it is produced, processed or cooked, consumed, the way you detox yourself, clean your body after the digestion - the whole thing end-to-end should be absolutely life positive."
"Same way, the words you generate, the pure vibration, is the natha in you.How you convert that natha into shabda and shabda into language, how you use those words on yourself and on others and how others use the words on you and how you cognise / cherish / consume them and decide to get impacted by the words others use on you - the whole thing should be with absolute life positivity."
"The way your food, your words, your consciousness functions, the way you cognise things happening, the way you build yourself, the way you build your life’s experiences, everything should be absolutely life positive."
"Till you align the whole thing to life positivity, you are going to come back again and again. So better let us do it as early possible as possible! Let us not postpone! Intense life positivity is enlightenment!"
"Withdrawal, cherishing life negativity, is not going to end till you become life positive. You are going to suffer wherever you are. So better to build pure positivity now."
"I am revealing one important sacred secret, thousands of My experiences came to Me just by My seeking, not practice. All My experiences were gift to Me as a response to My seeking. I am telling you, if at all you need to do something, you just need to sharpen your seeking. Blessed are those who have seeking in the life! Stupid are those who lost seeking in the life"
"Let Seeking Be Your First Instinct ResponseHaving don’t care attitude about the ignorance, or, having something else as the priority than seeking and breaking the ignorance, is worshipping the ignorance, avidyām upāsate."