25 Quotes About Vera
- Author A.S. King
I see it as symbolic. The label no longer fits. His emotional parsimoniousness just got sucked away by the beautiful blue sky. I lean forward and reach my hand behind my back, then take my sign off, and I toss it out the window, too. I am no longer an ex-stripper's daughter, either. I have gone from invisible Vera Dietz to invincible Vera Dietz.
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- Author A.S. King
As I load my shirt into the washer for the night, I daydream about making a sign and hanging it around my neck. It could read, I MISS CHARLIE KHAN.As I drive home, I picture other signs- one for everyone who has a secret. Bill Coro's would say, I CAN'T READ, BUT I CAN THROW A FOOTBALL. Me. Shunk's would read, I WISH I COULD TOSS YOU ALL ON AN ISLAND BY YOURSELVES. Dad's would read, I HATE MYSELF FOR NO GOOD REASON.
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- Author A.S. King
As I drive home, I picture other signs- one for everyone who has a secret. Bill Corso's would say, I CAN'T READ, BUT I CAN THROW A FOOTBALL. Mr. Shunk's would read, I WISH I COULD TOSS YOU ALL ON AN ISLAND BY YOURSELVES. Dad's would read, I HATE MYSELF FOR NO GOOD REASON.My Idea grows.
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- Author A.S. King
As I load my shirt into the washer for the night, I daydream about making a sign and hanging it around my neck. I could wear it to school tomorrow. It could read, I MISS CHARLIE KHAN.
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- Author Dobrica Ćosić
Zato što velika ljubav mora da se dokazuje. Mala ne mora. (...) Velikoj ljubavi nijedan dokaz nije dovoljan. Kao ni velikoj veri. One se neprestano muče sa sumnjom.
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- Author Dobrica Ćosić
Ne veruj ni u šta što se na strahu temelji.
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- Author Dobrica Ćosić
Vi ste vernik?- Jesam.A koji je Vaš Bog?- Budućnost.Budućnost? Ne razumem.- Nijedan se Bog ne može razumeti.
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- Author Alessandro Baricco
La vita vera è proprio quella che si spacca,quella vita su cento che alla fine si spacca...
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- Author A.S. King
I love vocab. It's like spelunking in a cave you've been in your whole life and discovering a thousand new tunnels.
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