76 Quotes About Veteran
- Author Lanny Starr
I believe war should be the last result, but I do believe that when we find ourselves at war, we should unite as a people and not do anything to aid or encourage the enemy. We should stay the course and remember that the people we are defending, though they may not always be Americans, are people dependent upon us to see the conflict through to an end.
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- Author Diana Oestreich
You can build something new, one person, one relationship, one meal at a time. You can build friendships instead of watering the flowers alongside our long-held fences. You can choose to believe in the unshakable goodness of those across the Pew or political divide. You can choose fierce kindness by speaking the truth to people about the impact their decisions make on the vulnerable. You can call Self Supremacy the liar it is. It's a bait and switch.
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- Author Diana Oestreich
Love is what I'm arming my son's with to go out in an angry and hurting world. This is the truest gift I can give them-an arrow to load in their bow and a solid Bullseye to aim at. It's a posture to live from, to love from. The power to decide ahead of time how they will show up for the neighbor nobody likes and how they respond to the bully on the playground or to the violence and uncertainty this world is going to ambush them with.
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- Author Diana Oestreich
I went to war knowing what I would die for. But now I know what I'm living for: to be the first to love. Every single time.
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- Author Diana Oestreich
Refusing to acknowledge the historical trauma of those around us is a cultural tradition many of us have been handed down, generation to generation forming our foundation of erasing wrongs so we don't have to right them. But we can change these traditions and narratives. The world can change, because we can change. I have so much hope for you. I have so much hope for me.
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- Author Diana Oestreich
I don’t want my kids to hold an anemic love in their hands, to feel lost or victimized in a big, scary world. I want them to experience their power that resides in their little bodies and expresses itself in quiet, small words to defy hate and violence.
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- Author Diana Oestreich
I had no control over what the Iraq War would ask of me; the only thing I could decide was how I would show up in it. What I would do. What I wouldn't do. In that decision I found what was worth dying for and what was worth living for- love.
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- Author Diana Oestreich
Waging peace requires that we have the courage to face what's broken first- in ourselves-and then in the system affecting those around us and uncover who has been harmed and how we are connected to them.
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- Author Diana Oestreich
Coming home from War as a peacemaker created a battlefield I wasn't prepared for.
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