76 Quotes About Veteran
- Author Steven Magee
The corporate controlled military does a great job of ruining peoples lives.
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- Author Frank R. Zindler
Philosophically, I am a logical empiricist and materialist, and I am a veteran of over 400 radio and TV interviews and debates. I am a Christ-myth advocate and am pursuing research into how Christianity could have begun without a historical Jesus of Nazareth. I am married with one daughter and three grandchildren.
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- Author Deborah L. Parker
Somebody needs to be in charge! They may not always like what you’re doing, but press on!” My late uncle, CSM, US Army (Ret) Harris L. Parker, Airborne Ranger, aka Hardcore
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- Author Kamil Ali
SHOCK ABSORBERSVeterans scream in their dreams, reliving nightmares so that we can sleep peacefully
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- Author CJ Hatch
I’ve learned, Agent Sanders, most warriors feel the same way after they’ve come back from the battles where men in expensive suits and leather chairs send them. We keep asking and asking you to do the impossible and even when you succeed it seems the world doesn’t change all that much. Don’t let that diminish your sacrifice, and that of your family waiting at home. Your country is proud of you.
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- Author Barbara Nickless
Her husband had come home a hero. But he'd also come home with memory issues, a limp, PTSD, and a huge ration of cynicism that he hadn't had before.
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- Author Gerard Donovan
I saw battles in their eyes long forgotten by many,and never known to some, and observed some of them fall with him into that hole in the ground, I mean the part of them that remembered the fear and the rubble of distant towns, or the part that had hoped for better things afterwards. The soldier who fights always hopes that way,my grandfather said, but its those who dont fight who get to decide what things will come
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- Author Stanley Victor Paskavich
I like my writing career and it's progression, I'd rather be that slow moving tide that turns a mountain into a beautiful beach for all to enjoy, rather than a flash in a pan that yields no heat.
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- Author Kelly Moran
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was going out with a rifle in his hand.
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