61 Quotes About Victim-mentality
"...These politically correct language initiatives are misguided and harmful. They create highly entitled professional “victims” who expect to be free from any offense, and they engender a stifling atmosphere where all individuals walk on eggshells lest they might commit a linguistic capital crime."
"There are times in my life when I have been medicine for some while poison for others. I used to think I was a victim of my story until I realized the truth; that I am the creator of my story. I choose what type of person I will be and what type of impact I will leave on others. I will never choose the destructive path of self and outward victimization again."
"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"
"Is life happening to you, or are you happening to life?"
"Under the guise of making classes of people victims, those in power seductively enslave the masses through entitlement."
"We need to be careful not to fall into the victim mindset. This usually happens because we have a dis-empowering perspective of the circumstance. We forget about “who we are” in Christ and that God is in control."
"If what you are able to give to others, in this life, is only proportionate to what you received from people in your past— it only means one thing. You are a victim of life's circumstances, a direct and utter equivalent of what has been done to you. Rise above and become more! Be better than what happened to you."
"When you choose to act on your problems, you cease to be a victim of circumstance and become a force of change; that's when you transition to not only being a survivor, but to being a leader or hero too, and an inspiration to those still in the victim's mindset."
"You relinquish your power when you blame others for situations in your life. The blame does not change the situation and only keeps you in a victim mentality. Accept that the situation occurred and find a way to transcend it and you will reclaim your power and become the victor."