1,132 Quotes About Victory


"Love, they compare you to an unending battle-riddled with pain and wracked with tacticsTo pull the other down into a deathly embracein which there is no loser:For I am beginning to believe that my lossIs truly his, and his win is my gain."


"The greatest victory a person can have is the victory over himself."


"Sometimes I really can't express how much I feel, but I can tell for a fact that some past years have been a victorious rollercoaster ride with God in it. Some days colourful, some days black and white, some days faith bigger than a mustard seed, other days I'm filled with blind doubt about what tomorrow holds. But in all of this, I'm beautifully me and constantly running the race through the father's grace"


"A life of constant victory is the result of correct thinking"


"We may face many defeats and adversities in life. But we can never ever give up on our dreams and goals in life. And finally one day victory will be ours!"


"I am not a victim. No matter what I have been through, I'm still here. I have a history of victory."


"The more I walk with Christ, the more I'm aware that the battles I'm fighting are not against flesh and blood, but neither is my help."


"He (Anwar Sadat) records that he was almost loathe to leave his prison cell because it was there that he realized that real success is success with self. It’s not in having things, but in having mastery, having victory over self."
