29 Quotes About Viking
- Author Virginia Wade
You'll see me differently in the morning, after I've fucked some sense into you.
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- Author Alaria Thorne
Alruna couldn’t stop thinking about the way it felt to be behind him in the battle to leave Reric. His sword sent the inferior Obotrite shields to splinters, and its men to worse. Each attempt on her life had been met with blood and steel, and Hákon seemed more like Týr, focused and mighty, but ready to sacrifice for the good of all. Despite the utter destruction of Reric, and the brutality Hákon had shown throughout, she felt completely safe in his arms.
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- Author Robert Low
To be without silver is better than to be without honor.
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- Author Robert Low
Man without a sword is still a warrior, but one with no shield is just a target.
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- Author Johanna Lindsey
She had simply shed the mantle of slavery as easily as she had worn it, making him realize that she had never really worn it at all.
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- Author Allie Ray
Mein Gott, Mrs. Windham. You may look like your Polish mother, but you have the icy heart of a fucking Viking.
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- Author Alexandra Bracken
It feels like we should do something," he said. "Like, send her off on a barge out to sea and set her on fire. Let her go out in a blaze of glory."Chubs raised an eyebrow. "It's a minivan, not a Viking.
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- Author Farah Cook
I'm obsessed with - perhaps even addicted to - winning, and can't help it.
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- Author Fabrizio Corselli
Di gran furore si pregna il suo scheletro,bagliori saettano, uscendo e rientrandoda essa come rincorsi durante una fuga.Sembra un dio del cielo, pieno di boria,quando ai mortali si appresta a elargiredoni che celano invero soltanto inganni.Alza l’avambraccio, contrae il bicipite,rilucono nei suoi occhi di ghiaccio le luciornate dai lapislazzuli. Secco il rilascio.Un potente boato squassa l’intero suolo.
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