41 Quotes About Virtuous

  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
  • Quote

    We distill happiness from garnering joy in the ordinary fragments of life, while dedicating personal effort to creating a body of work that one can look back on their deathbed and be satisfied with achieving. Happiness comes from living beautifully, which necessarily involves reason in thought and speech (logos), and leading an ethical and virtuous life devoted to achieving worthy goals.

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  • Author Patrick Mendis
  • Quote

    In Confucian thought, individuals practice moral virtue both by restraining themselves and pursuing their own interests. This is a dual push-and-pull process. In today’s China, the latter is taken care of by capitalism and commerce. The former, however, needs to be taken care of by the rule of law. Otherwise, the system of governance is corrupted by unrestrained individual desires and selective enforcement of ‘virtue’ or law.

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  • Author Louisa May Alcott
  • Quote

    Seeing this did more for Jo than the wisest sermons, the saintliest hymns, the most fervent prayers that any voice could utter. For with eyes made clear by many tears, and a heart softened by the tenderest sorrow, she recognized the beauty of her sister's life––uneventful, unambitious, yet full of the genuine virtues which 'smell sweet, and blossom in the dust', the self–forgetfulness that makes the humblest on earth remembered soonest in heaven, the true success which is possible to all.

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