239 Quotes About Visionary

  • Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
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    A dream is our imagination waiting for us to be brave enough to pick up a pencil, zealous enough to sketch out a blueprint, determined enough to gather the tools, committed enough to lean into the task, and audacious enough to make imagination the reality that it was always meant to be. For in time, a dream left to be nothing but a dream will eventually leave our souls believing that dreams aren’t worth imagining. And I can only imagine a handful of things as devastating as that.

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  • Author Amal El-Mohtar
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    I shudder to imagine an equal and opposite incursion—may causality forbid Commandant ever dispatch me to one of your viny-hivey elfworlds, profusely floral, all arcing elder trees, neural pollen, bees gathering memories from eyes and tongue, honey libraries dripping knowledge from the comb. I harbor no illusions I’d succeed. You would find me in an instant, crush me faster—I’d walk a swath of rot through your verdancy, no matter how light I tried to step. I have a Cherenkov-green thumb.

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