31 Quotes About Volcano

  • Author Drexel Deal
  • Quote

    My volcano of compress anger was about to erupt in school, and it would take more than five years for my molten lava to be brought under control, which was through the loss of my sight. However, shouldn’t there be a way of detecting and reaching out to kids like me before there is a massive problem? Why wait until there is a devastating eruption before we intervene?

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  • Author جلجامش نبيل
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    استغربت التناقض الذي يحتويه الثلج، النقاء والبرودة، فلطالما بحثت عن قلب نقي يحيطني بالدفء، ولكنني أدركت بأن البرد مريح أيضاً ليطفئ الألم المشتعل في داخلي، وعندئذ فقط أدركت أن البرد راحة ولا يضم الثلج تناقضاً، فرغبتُ في الخروج بسرعة ومعانقة الجليد عارياً حتى أطفئ بركان الأسى المضطرم في أعماقي.

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  • Author Matt Haig
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    The paradox of volcanoes was that they were symbols of destruction but also life. Once the lava slows and cools, it solidifies and then breaks down over time to become soil - rich, fertile soil.

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