75 Quotes About Wasted-time


"Whereever we go, whatever we earnthe time we waste can never returnThe mistakes we've made are now to burninto the bonfire of guilt and wrongdoingWill we ever learn to stop pursuingthose temptations of life that minds are wooing?"


"If he left, he’d be taking two centuries of wasted effort with him. Who would be able to put out the fire of her anger once it was an inferno? No one but him."


"Wasting time on timing stuff is a good way to save time from being wasted on other pointless activities like writing, reading, and sleeping."


"I don't believe in worrying. It's a waste of energy."


"children spend their time for they think they have more time; adults cry over their time for they see they have less time"


"To their own demise, most attended the party and still remain. Time wasters and space takers."
