341 Quotes About Well-being
- Author Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Each of us have a winner within. Tap into your potential and gain unlimited success! The only one who can stop you is yourself. Think Positive! Be Optimistic! Don't be fooled into thinking it can't be done. Look around amazing things are accomplished everyday. New inventions, discoveries are happening all the time. If you can get one foot in the door, you can make it happen.
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- Author Leon Brown
One day you will realize that material things mean nothing. All that matters is the well-being of the people you love in your life.
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- Author Bertrand Russell
The difficulty is that, so long as unreason prevails, a solution of our troubles can only be reached by chance; for while reason, being impersonal, makes universal co-operation possible, unreason, since it represents private passions, makes strife inevitable. It is for this reason that rationality, in the sense of an appeal to a universal and impersonal standard of truth, is of supreme importance to the well-being of the human species.
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- Author Anthony Metivier
The techniques that help us accurately lock down useful types of information can override the stories we tell about ourselves, leading to incorruptible recall of simple things that set you free—on demand. Some of the best is both ancient and new every time you use it, but always the same.
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- Author Lu Ann Pannunzio
Tea can be a connector that puts your life back together when you feel like it is slowly falling apart. It can be there for you to get your thoughts in order and settle down your mind.
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- Author Brené Brown
To be forgiven is to be loved
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- Author kambiz shabankareh
The world is filled with people who lie to each other everyday. They lie about their own well-being, lie about time, lie about what they like and dislike, lie about the best moments they have had, lie to make money, lie to lose money, lie to kill others, lie to save others and lie about love every second of their life. This world is filled with liars.
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- Author Maxime Lagacé
Well-being is the final stage of self-acceptance.
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- Author Susan Wenzel
When we accept and embrace our emotions as the way they are rather than what we wish them to be and discover that in the deepest darkest moments, we are okay - this is the true emotional healing. Emotional healing is when you face your worst fears only to realize you are okay. You have no control over what life throws at you, but you have control of how to relate to whatever comes your way.
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