290 Quotes About Witchcraft

  • Author Katherine Howe
  • Quote

    Rather that being an aberrant expression of North American fears and attitudes about witchcraft, it should be instead be seen as the ultimate expression of it. And therein lies the most alarming aspect of the Salem witch crisis- if Salem is not aberrant then it cannot be comfortably consigned to the past.

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  • Author Peter Grey
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    Though as Jack Parsons says, witchcraft is the oldest religion, that it lifts us out of ourselves and switches our bristling skin, the fact is, that witchcraft arises from the world. It comes from the land, the people, the plants, the animals, the whole web of life. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Witchcraft is here in the present time.

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  • Author Peter Grey
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    Witchcraft offers us the connection we need to be more than desperately criss-crossing the wasteland and perilously low on gas. In a real sense we have become severed from connections, overwritten, cut-up, lost in a globalised symbol set that provides no meaning beyond a message to consume.

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  • Author Peter Grey
  • Quote

    Witchcraft can be seen as an art accomplished through the action of a set of three simple principles, namely: orientation, presence and imperative. These are the three phases which together create a mythic topography of witchcraft. Without these we have only the broken spars of folklore, misreadings of Christian apocrypha, and blind impulse. This is my narrow path into the dark wood.

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  • Author Peter Grey
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    My thesis is not that we anchor the witch in history, but that we understand that witchcraft is a set of relationships whose rhythm is that of the moon, stars, sun and earth. A witchcraft which adapts to the state of the world as it is, not backing into an imagined past.

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  • Author Diana Gabaldon
  • Quote

    If everyone can do it, it's science. If only a few can, then it's witchcraft, or superstition, or whatever you like to call it," she said. "But it's real.

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  • Author Leslie Marmon Silko
  • Quote

    Some people act like witchery is responsible for everything that happens, when actually witchery only manipulates a small portion.

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  • Author T.J. Klune
  • Quote

    You could have gone dark side," Tanner said."Like full-on Darth Gordo," Chris said.Gordo put his face in his hands. "I told you guys, I'm a witch. I'm not a Jedi.""Um, excuse me," Rico said. "Can you or can you not shoot Force lightning from your fingertips.""It's not Force--""We rest our case," Tanner said quite loudly.

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  • Author Carol F. Karlsen
  • Quote

    We see witchcraft, finally, as a deeply ambivalent but violent struggle /within/ women as well as an equally ambivalent but violent struggle /against/ women.

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