2,065 Quotes About Woman

  • Author Palladas
  • Quote

    Every woman is as bitter as gall. But she has two good moments: one in bed, the other at her death.

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  • Author Milan Begović
  • Quote

    Žene su slabe. Katkad i nesretne, zapuštene, ponizivane. Za mnoge je preljub obnovljenje života. Za mnoge prvi gutljaj radosti. Pa tko tu može suditi? Doduše žena je više puta brakolomka iz kaprica, iz taštine, pa, ako hoćeš, iz prirodne prostitutske dispozicije; ali to su najređi slučajevi. Većinom je ona žrtva svoje impulzivnosti i muškaračke nasrtljivosti.

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  • Author Caitlin Moran
  • Quote

    I don't understand, then, why, in the midst of all this, pregnant women - women trying to make rational decisions about their futures and, usually, that of their families, too - should be subject to more pressure about preserving life than, say, Vladimir Putin, the World Bank, or the Catholic Church.

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