718 Quotes About Women-empowerment

  • Author Jane Caro
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    Every generation builds on the work of the last, and pill or no pill, my generation could not have made the strides they have without all the work done by others. The same is true for future generations, although luckily for them the advancement of women is now snowballing. The legacy of the current crop of women over fifty—the accidental feminists—has given a leg up like no other to their daughter and granddaughters, not least through the #MeToo movement.

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  • Author Jane Caro
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    Even if you had a feminist mother like mine, you still absorbed the messages about our limited future through the pores of your skin…We were baby-making machines, always had been, always would be, and we were supposed to be satisfied with that. The women who were beginning to assert their full and separate humanity were often caricatured as harpies, termagants and shrews.

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  • Author Jane Caro
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    Women who are over fifty grew up in one world and now must exist in quite another. They are a generation that has experienced the greatest change in women’s lives recorded history yet such is our lingering ability to take women’s lives seriously that society barely acknowledges that there has been a fundamental shift.

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  • Author Jane Caro
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    I believe that women’s liberation—or second-wave feminism, as it is now known—was born from the pill, not the other way around. Safe, effective, affordable contraception allowed half the human race to imagine and create a different future for themselves. That is certainly how it worked for me.

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