154 Quotes About Words-have-power
- Author Samantha Hunt
If one word can mean so many things at the same time then I don't see why I can't.
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- Author Veronica Purcell
If the voice was meant to be silent we wouldn't have ears for listening.
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- Author George Orwell
Prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated hen-house.
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- Author Munia Khan
We must yield to the power of words. Even God has chosen words to communicate with his creatures like us
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- Author Beta Metani'Marashi
A tongue can move the worldA tongue is a defensive deviseA tongue is a offensive A tongue is sharper than a razorA tongue is faster than a bulletA tongue is stronger than a racketA tongue can make you a heroA tongue can make you a criminalA tongue can move a trigger A tongue is as dangerous as all above so please control your tongue because it can Destroy the world!
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- Author Ricardo Cruz Leal
What I want you to understand is that the words that our schools, our government, our media, our colleagues, and our family use have a profound effect on how you think and feel about life. The words that you learn, and then use to speak and think with, are molding your reality. Your vernacular creates your visual representation of the world, and the language you think with essentially creates your experienced reality.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Your voice is the most potent magic in existence.
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- Author Joy McCullough
Others will tell you Daniel saved Susanna's life. But hear this: Susanna used her voice. She spoke her truth. She could not expect her words to change a single heart, but neither could she be silent. Her words saved her life.
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- Author Melanie A. Smith
Being a nurse, I’m well trained in being careful with the language that I use. Words have power. They can keep someone calm. Or they can freak someone the fuck out when they’re in a bad place. They can keep someone at a distance. Or they can bring them close. It’s why I resisted when he suggested I call him by his first name. I was keeping him at a distance. But apparently my subconscious has been telling me this whole time that I shouldn’t do that.
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