109 Quotes About Worldliness
- Author Sonal Takalkar
Identity! For this one word, great people devoted their life with appropriate actions.
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- Author Sonal Takalkar
कष्टाने पोळून निघालेल्या माणूस पराजय आणि नकार खूप ध्येर्याने पचवू शकतो पण मनाचे लचके तोडत असते ती फक्त क्षुद्र म्हणून कोरलेली शांतता.
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- Author Rasheed Ogunlaru
Until you are clear nothing will be. The moment you are clear everything will be.
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- Author Sonal Takalkar
The people who tries to ruin pure respect & love; they can never understand the meaning of living in their life.
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- Author Sonal Takalkar
Rely more on your mind than your time.
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- Author Robert Hayden
World I have loved and loving hated, is it your sickness luxuriating in my body's world?
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- Author Sonal Takalkar
Be aware in this world! People can make you fool easily. Always remember, people who are making fun of you never stays near to emotions, that's why they can't understand your feelings. If you want to handle your emotions, don't show it to make the people more fun of it. Always be sensible, be alert! Your silence is the best armor for your sentiment.
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- Author Rasheed Ogunlaru
The tragedy about history - personally and globally - is that while we may learn it we rarely learn from it.
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- Author Lorii Myers
If you want the answer—ask the question.
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