83 Quotes About Worlds

  • Author Neil Gaiman
  • Quote

    Few of us have seen the stars as folk saw them then - our cities and towns cast too much light into the night - but, from the village of Wall, the stars were laid out like worlds or like ideas, uncountable as the trees in a forest or the leaves on a tree.

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  • Author Gina Marinello-Sweeney
  • Quote

    And there, as promised, was the grizzly bear habitat, dozens of the brown and black bears ambling along grass and tree below. Yet, from my position above, I did not fear—as I might have a snake—the large animals, or concern myself with the notion of a gondola-gone wrong and accidentally tumbling into their home like dinner falling into place on a well-set table. It was as if we were viewing a dozen worlds in a single instant, partaking in the thrill of it all.

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