962 Quotes About Writing-life
- Author Eric Maisel
A key to a long, productive writing life is finding ways to support that life, emotionally and existentially.
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- Author Richard Russo
Novel writing is mostly triage (this now, that later) and obstinacy. Trying something, and when that doesn't work, trying something else. Welcoming clutter Surrendering a good idea for a better one. Knowing you won't find the finish line for a year or two, or five...
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- Author Stephen King
For years I dreamed of having the sort of massive oak slab that would dominate a room...
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- Author Patti Roberts
Writing is a 24/7 job. You live it, eat it, breathe it... the pay can be pretty lousy, but you do it happily, because you love it!!! That, and from the day you started writing the voices in your head became a permanent fixture :) ... oh, missed one out - You sleep it!
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- Author Millicent Ashby
I refuse to give up when things go wrong because there is always a sliver lining behind the cloud.
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- Author Logan Pearsall Smith
Every author, however modest, keeps a most outrageous vanity chained like a madman in the padded cell of his breast.
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- Author Bruce Obee
You’re a loner in body, mind, and soul. A writer who spends a day of solitude in the office is plagued by a mind that travels with the body. The work never stops.
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- Author Paul Auster
All through my writing life, I've had this impulse to write autobiographical works.
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