326 Quotes About Writing-philosophy
"Writing a long series of essays represents grafting the shoots from all the discordant elements of a person’s personality together into a unique, progressively created organism. Joining the vascular tissue of the conscious mind with the vaporous mist of the personal unconscious represents an act of asexual reproduction of a revised self through artistic inosculation."
"Evocative memories seared onto the writer’s unconscious mind forms the essential cadence that brokers a writer’s telltale, shadowy light. Floundering in the commodious darkness, the writer’s seeks to discover a ray of lightness that inhabits the darkest recesses of their fitful humanity."
"Life is like a long walk, an extended mediation, where a person discovers the difference between living with attention and awareness and simply passing through the world in a zombie state, ignorant of what is beautiful, true, and virtuous."
"Writing reveals part of the author, customarily the fragment that the writer carefully chooses to hide from people closest to them. Writers place on paper their secret thoughts, cryptic opinions, enigmatic judgments, and uncensored criticisms of themselves."
"Writing is a form of intense thinking that takes a person on a journey into previously uncharted territory of the writer’s mind."
"The writer’s obsessions are twofold. First, communicate their thoughts onto paper with a great degree of precision in order accurately to express everything that they know. Secondly, to gain a better understanding regarding concepts such as truth, beauty, love, friendship, loyalty, freedom, and the reason for existence by attempting to express in words what these ideas mean to them."
"Being self-employed means you work 12 hours a day for yourself so you don't have to work 8 hours a day for someone else."
"All forms of creative thinking involve a struggle to conquer or master something, and usually that specific something eludes us completely. A personal essayist struggles to construct paragraphs and sentences to comprehend their authenticity. The essayist also labors to choose the right words that provide the proper degree of nuance to the texturized material. Language, which creates the grainy surface and content of sentences, reveals the pinging of the essayist’s mind at work."
"Writing allows us to row the mind into new, unanticipated directions, change our stream of consciousness, and alter our very being."