326 Quotes About Writing-philosophy


"Memory and imagination allow us to enter the womb of creation, devise the lens through which we translate our surroundings, and create the spectrum that transliterates our experiences."


"Sentence making is an act of questing into unexplored regions, probing the anarchy of daylight, and exploring the troubling confusion and turmoil of the night."


"Writing word after word represents a type of power, the sort of command that a person amasses slowly with thoughtful inquiry."


"So I write thoughts and emotionsTaking birth in wordsAnd dying unsung in words!Words stitched togetherTo give meaning to my existence...The next generation has questions They ask me why do I write?And I say I write because I take birth in words And I die in words!Words stitched together To give meaning to my existence..."


"If a writer writes something that he or she has never experienced, I think the reader can sense right away that it is garbage. The only thing that can replace experience, though, is imagination; however it takes experience to grow an imagination."


"I believe you can consider yourself a successful prose writer when the number of words you put on a page each day is equal to, or greater than, the number of milligrams of mind-altering chemicals you ingest in that day. (Note: this rule does not apply to poets who write in the short-form. You, my boys and girls, are free as birds!)"


"The ultimate goal of any writer is to explore the lightest and darkest aspects of being. If a writer accomplishes this task, the work might assist other people endure their own heartaches and appreciate more deeply the profundity of life."


"The principal theme of any autobiography revolves around the brushwork of self-transformation, the freeing of the self from the strictures of self-imposed limitations, fears, and doubts. Autobiographical writing represents a heroic journey towards self-discovery; it enables us to get to know ourselves, and initiate a new phase where we begin thinking of the needs of other people."
