80 Quotes About Wtnv


"You may not live through it. And if you do, the you that lived through it will not be the same you that lived before it. In that sense, you will definitely not exist after, and I’m sorry."


"In breaking news, the sky. The earth. Life. Existence as an unchanging plain with horizons of birth and death in the faint distance."


"We all chose to stand down and hope change would be won for us, and not by us. By someone else, we believed. A hero, we believed.But belief is only step one. Action is step two. Fighting for what you believe is step two. Solidarity is step two. Unity is step two."


"This episode isn't about spiders. Nor owls. It's about looking at something and thinking you understand what it is. It's about assuming the best of what you see only to find out quite suddenly that it is the worst.This kind of misunderstanding has always been, to me, the most compelling kind of horror. The StrexPet here is that issue of Zoobooks."


"You may not live through it. And if you do, the you that lived through it will not be the same you that lived before it. In that sense, you will definitely not exist after, and I'm sorry."


"KEVIN: And now a word from our sponsors. Lauren?LAUREN: Thank, Kev. Can I call you Kev?KEVIN: Haha. No Lauren, by no means."


"KEVIN: Violent revolution has never solved anything.CECIL: I beg to differ. America was founded on a revolution. I mean sure, we are still ruled by the reptilians. But the lizard kings let us have our own country after they saw how hard we tried during that revolution thing.LAUREN: That was decades ago, Cecil."


"LAUREN: We here at Strexcorp Synergists, Inc., are dedicated to the betterment of life through branding, social networking, and upbeat music.KEVIN: And hard work.LAUREN: I'm pretty sure it's implied that hard work is part of it, Kevin.KEVIN: I'm pretty sure I didn't ask for your feedback."


"COMPUTER: HELLO, CECIL. HOW ARE YOU?CECIL: Computer! I am...I am doing well. How are you?COMPUTER: BETTER. CECIL, DO YOU LOVE COMPUTER?CECIL: I admit, I had not given it much though. I like computers generally. They calculate and power off and on. I suppose, given time and perhaps some gifts, I could learn to... [shifting noises] hey!"
