38 Quotes About Ya-lit
"How did you not know they broke up? You usually monitor his social media like he's al-Qaeda and you're the CIA."
"Her heartbeat picks up, her pulse fluttering through her neck and wrists. She loves this part, loves the moment before she pulls off a job—the heat, the cold, the rush. It’s terrifying and delicious, like teetering out over the edge of a building, her fingers tight on the safety railing. She can see how everything could go horribly wrong, but that rational part of her is tamped down, silenced by the beauty of the fall."
"Sounds—the stretched-out, far-off kind—drift through the halls, and I close my eyes, trying to break them down."
"There's nothing quite as good as folding up into a book and shutting the world outside.If I pick the right one I can be beautiful, or fall in love, or live happily ever after. Maybe even all three."